Wednesday, July 24, 2013

RAW Broccoli in the morning... But WHY? and what is this thing with Green Veggies?

What is it about green vegetables that make them so special and why is it so good for you to have that green apple & RAW broccoli?

First let’s look at what makes plants green?
The reason green plants are green is because they contain a special chemical, called chlorophyll.
The chlorophyll in the leaves of plants absorbs sunlight, converting it into carbohydrates from both the available carbon dioxide and water. It also produces oxygen in this process. The carbohydrate that the plant produces is the food that the plant needs to grow. It is also the food that we eat when we eat the produce of green plants, whether fruits or vegetables.
Chlorophyll, the compound that makes the leaves of most plants green, is a delicate compound, and easily damaged by heat. The greener the leaf, the more chlorophyll it contains. However, when you cook green leaves and vegetables until they turn that grayish - green color, they lose their enzymes and water-soluble vitamins, reducing their potent benefits. 
SO... Don't overcook your veggies!!!
Chlorophyll also cleanses your body and helps it to detoxify by absorbing and removing heavy metals from your digestive system, but only when it is active, in the raw state.

Here are a few more benefits of chlorophyll:
*It alkalizes our cells
*It builds our blood count, therefore being helpful against anemia
*It is a natural body deodorizer
*It energizes our cells, due to its high oxygen content
*It contains a lot of fiber, which helps to escort toxins and heavy metals from our intestines and bowels
*It helps to regulate our hormones
*It reduces inflammation
*Due to its high oxygen content it is a natural cancer antagonist

Raw green vegetables are better!
It is best to consume green leaves and vegetables when they are raw, because the minerals contained in the produce are bonded to enzymes, as well as proteins and glucose. These minerals are called chelated minerals when they are in this form. When the produce is heated it loses these natural forms of minerals and enzymes, with the resulting nutrients not being absorbed as easily by our digestive system.
This is why dried green super-foods or blends have to be processed at low temperatures if they are to retain their nutrient density. Because the enzymes in green vegetables are destroyed by heat, and the enzymes are one of the important components of fresh vegetables, they also have to be protected from heat damage when producing a nutrient and enzyme dense green blend.
If you make the time, it is very simple to make a green smoothie with fresh green leaves, an apple or pear and some cold water. In this way you can get your daily dose of chlorophyll in a glass instead of only in salads.
What else is in green vegetables?

§  We already mentioned the chlorophyll molecule which is very similar in structure, to a molecule in our body, called hemoglobin, which contains iron and transports oxygen to our cells via our blood stream. Hemoglobin is also the compound that makes our blood red. Hemoglobin transports oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. The center of the chlorophyll molecule contains a magnesium molecule, while the center of the hemoglobin structure contains iron. Although there has been some discussion about chlorophyll becoming hemoglobin, because of their similar molecular shape, there is no clear evidence that this happens. But green foods do contain iron in its natural form, as well as the other compounds necessary for hemoglobin formation.

§  Green leaves and vegetables are also full of other very important nutrients, in varying quantities, dependent on growing conditions and specific varieties. They contain magnesium, phosphorous, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium, sodium, many of the B vitamins, such as B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B9 (folic acid)as well as vitamins A (in the form of beta carotene), C, E and K. Furthermore they also contain the important antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which promote eye health, with lutein possibly also playing an important role in preventing colon cancer. They also contain enzymes (if raw) as well as protein, fiber and some of the good Omega 3 fats. Although you would have to eat 55kgs/121lbs of green leaves to get 60ml of the right fats daily!

§  Green vegetables are also alkaline in action, which means that they are capable of shifting your body from an acid state to an alkaline state. This is important because cooked foods and refined foods, stress and low levels of exercise leave your body being acidic. A low pH is known to be a precursor for not only low energy levels and inflammation, but also for degenerative diseases. It’s therefore important to eat foods that promote an alkaline balance in the body, which help the body move away from an acidic state.

§  Green vegetables that come from the brassica family, are even more nutrient dense than ordinary green vegetables. Broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts and red cabbage as well as Asian greens, including bok choy, chinese cabbage and pak choy, have potent anti-cancer properties, detoxify the body of environmental toxins and supply anti-oxidants too. Any produce that protects you from cancer will also help with overall health and anti-aging.

It is not just to burn fat or to get into shape that I advise you to eat or do certain things. Taking care of your health is the main reason. 
Once you start to take care of your health burning off the fat and getting into shape will happen automatically! 


  1. So if making a smoothie, what green vegetable would you recommend adding...

    1. Make a smoothie with a green apple and a cup of raw broccoli.
